Connected Navigation Pack

Connected Navigation Pack


Enjoy a peaceful drive, as you navigate around congestion and traffic problems, with the Connected Navigation Pack.  Our fully integrated navigation system helps you stay informed, providing real-time information from the leading European GPS provider, TomTom.  Citroën Connect Nav can be operated using voice recognition, meaning your eyes need never leave the road.



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Connected Navigation Pack
The best co-driver

No need to mess around with your smartphone any more, your eyes can stay on the road and your hands on the steering wheel with the inbuilt system.

With the onboard Real Time Traffic service, your car finds the best route in real time, based on reliable traffic news.
The inbuilt Speedcam service will give you advanced visual and audible warnings so your speed and driving style can adjust accordingly ensuring a safer environment for you and your passengers.

No superfluous information, just the best GPS solution, thanks to the recognised expertise of TomTom's users. TomTom's large community of users are generating real-time information with their connected devices.

Citroën incorporates its connected navigation system in the main screen of your car. Working seamlessly inside your car, you get the benefit of voice control. Your smartphone can also be connected to the whole system, which means you don’t use its battery*, you keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the steering wheel.

Keep your Citroën in the palm of your hand. Connect your car to MyCitroën and discover all the benefits of a car connected to your favourite services.


All about the service

Complete peace of mind
Enjoy the time in your vehicle to the fullest extent, with the Real Time Traffic including live updates from TomTom. You can find addresses, avoid traffic jams, and find the cheap fuel or parking, all thanks to the real time updates.  These are delivered to your cars touchscreen, and also available on the instrument panel screen in your Citroën.

A dedicated assistant at your service
When following a route, we are committed to ensure we provide the information you need – and nothing else. No inconvenient adverts, no pop-ups, no requests to talk to an unknown co-user. Just the best GPS solutions in real time brought together on your vehicle screen. Citroën Real Time Traffic and Speedcam services benefit from TomTom user community information to deliver you the best in-car service, without ever using your data for commercial purposes, so you can be sure you’re in safe hands.

Permanently connected
If your vehicle is equipped with a Citroën SOS button, it has an inbuilt telematics box meaning all connected services can work seamlessly.
If your vehicle does NOT have a Citroën SOS button, the live connected services will only work when sharing your compatible smartphone’s data connection.

The road network is constantly evolving: traffic directions change, pedestrian areas expand and some roads are no longer accessible to cars. To get the most out of your navigation system and get optimal directions, make sure that all data is always correct!
If your vehicle is equipped with "Over-the-air" Map Update you don't have to give a though, it will do the updates automatically - but don't worry, even if it's not you can easily update your maps!
Regularly Visit the dedicated section on the Citroën website to check if any update is available for you: enter your VIN, check if there are new updates to download and follow the simple instructions.
Just follow the best route!

Connected Navigation Pack Services by TomTom:

  • Real time traffic news
  • Parking prices and availability
  • Weather forecast on your journey
  • Fuel station information including pricing
  • Online update of points of interest
  • SpeedCam service


Service activation


When you buy a Citroën equipped with a connectable Navigation, you benefit from a free 3 year subscription to the Connected Navigation Pack, provided by TomTom.  After 3 years, you can extend the services in your online account.

How to use it:
1. Subscribe to the service: create an account, add your vehicle, and choose the Connected Navigation Pack and checkout.

2. Once you have subscribed, you need to activate the subscription and settings in your car.  Simply follow the relevant printable guide.  Remember services can take a few days to become active in the car, and will activate quicker if the vehicle is driven in area with good mobile signal.

If your vehicle is equipped with the Citroën SOS bouton:

If you would like to benefit from Real Time Traffic services and your vehicle is NOT equipped with the Citroën SOS button, you use your smartphone's internet connection instead. You'll need to turn on your smartphone's WiFi hotspot before. To do this, go to the smartphone configuration/settings and follow these steps (may vary between devices): Connection sharing > Wi-Fi Hotspot > Mobile access point > Tethering.